Czech Cubism

The epochal discovery of Cubism, coupled with the names of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, was proclaimed in European art in the twentieth century, which was characterized by scientific advances in technology but also by wars and revolutionary historical events. Modern artistic tendencies have found a response to the creation of a whole array of painters.

With a special response, Cubist aesthetics were encountered before the First World War by the young generation in Bohemia. This happened at first among several progressive members of the Prague Fine Arts Group, to whom Cubism opened modern creative horizons.

The assimilation of the new creative method was then attributed to the painting by E. Filla, B. Kubišta, A. Procházka, V. Beneš, J. Čapek, V. Špála and sculptor O. Gutfreund. These artists soon enriched the analytical and synthetic stylistic phases of the new direction of cuboexpressionism and later with the contribution of other painters and sculptors also a lyrical and imaginative meaningful position.

The role that Czech Cubism played in the sphere of architectural art, applied art, typography and scenography can be considered as a specific contribution. Thanks to the architects P. Janák, V. Hofmann, J. Chochol, J. Gočár. Their unique, stylish design projects of Prague and Prague buildings have enriched European Cubism fundamentally.

In particular, Janak and Hofmann, together with Prague Art Workshops and Artěl co-operative, brought the results to remarkable achievements in the furniture industry as well as in the art industry, such as ceramics. The invention of young designers is reflected in the distinctive concept of vases, pots and whole ceramic ensembles, in the unity of their utility functions and decorative values.

Thanks to the intensity and the suggested genre spread, with which the cubist method in Czech art was elaborated, the stylistic phenomenon came here in the form of a style that introduced Czech Cubism into the consciousness of European modern culture.

Porcelain production