
Pavel Janák

The outstanding architect, urban planner, designer and pedagogue Pavel Janák (1882–1956) was the leading…

Vlastislav Hofman

Vlastislav Hofman (1884-1964) found the best space to apply his extraordinary talent mainly in scenography, but he also…

Rudolf Stockar

Originally an architect by profession, Rudolf Stockar (1886 – 1957) gained recognition especially as a designer of…

Ladislav Sutnar

Sutnar's personality is best characterized by the word pioneer, because he blazed new paths of thought and creation and…

Václav Špála

Václav Špála (1885-1946) is one of the phenomena of Czech modern art. Society uncritically admired and condemned his…

Goldfinger porcelán

Manufaktura GOLDFINGER porcelan is a Brno family company founded in 1998. It deals with small-batch production of…
The Modernista company was founded in 1999 with the aim of creating a unique shop in the Czech Republic that will offer the best of Czech design of the last 100 years. The modernist has been cooperating for a long time with the Museum of Applied Arts (UPM), with whom he brought to life an exclusive re-edition of the collection of cubist ceramics by Pavel Janák, Rudolf Stockar and Vlastislav Hofman, furniture and home accessories designed by Josef Gočár and Jindřich Halabala, wooden toys by Ladislav Sutnar and other unique products.